Institute of Geography
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PhD studies

Institutul de Geografie al Academiei Române este instituţie organizatoare de studii doctorale în cadrul şcolii de Studii Avansate a Academiei Române (

The Institute of Geography has 6 doctoral supervisors who coordinate currently 7 PhD students as follow:
Prof. DAN BĂLTEANU, member of the Romanian Academy -3 PhD students
Dr. Monica DUMITRAŞCU -4 PhD students
Dr. Lucian BADEA
Prof. Octavia BOGDAN
Prof. Petre GÂŞTESCU
Dr. Mihaela SIMA

The main themes: geomorphology, natural and anthropic hazards, environmental quality, climatology, hydrology, regional development, human and economic geography.

Additional information:
Code of the rights and obligations of the Doctoral Student within the SCOSAAR Framework
Guides and methodologies
PhD theses defended
PhD theses completed in 2000-2009 period
PhD theses completed in 2010-2019 period
PhD theses completed 2020 - present
Available bibliography for the PhD admission examination (2023)